General examination

During the general examination, the ear, nose and throat specialist obtains an initial overview of the position and condition of the organs in the head and neck region (ear, nose, mouth, throat, larynx). This visual diagnosis is completed by the subsequent anamnesis interview.

FAQ General examination

What is done during a general ENT examination?

The patient tells the doctor in an initial confidential conversation why he/she is coming for the consultation. Based on this information and further medically relevant inquiries by the physician, a so-called anamnesis (medical history) is taken.

Then, according to the complaints described, a more detailed examination of the nose (e.g. rhinoscopy, nasal function test), mouth, throat, neck and ears (e.g. ear microscopy) takes place. If necessary, the ENT specialist looks at the nasopharynx, larynx, esophagus and trachea with an endoscope. During a palpation of the neck, he determines the size and degree of displacement of the lymph nodes, and looks for any nodes and thickenings on the thyroid gland, the salivary glands and the sides of the neck.

Furthermore, the ENT specialist checks the sensory functions (e.g. balance, sense of smell). In addition, allergy tests and various hearing tests can be performed, depending on the question. For further diagnostic clarification, imaging procedures such as ultrasound and/or CT are used if necessary.

Last update on 21.08.2022 by Administrator User.


Tones, sounds, noises from our environment are perceived by the ear, one of our 5 sensory organs, and passed on to the brain for processing. The ear includes the outer, middle and inner ear, the auditory nerve and the organ of balance.


Cotton swabs for ear cleaning? No!

The presence of earwax (technical term: cerumen) does not indicate a lack of personal hygiene. The formation of earwax differs in all people, both in quantity and consistency. In addition, hearing aids can also promote the accumulation of earwax.

Earwax is a mixture of dust, dirt particles, sweat, dead skin cells, sebum and secretions from special glands. Fine hairs in the ear canal transport the earwax outward toward the pinna. In addition, the secretion can protect against bacterial and fungal infections.
This self-cleaning mechanism is destroyed by cotton swabs. If you poke around in the ear canal, some of the earwax is pushed even deeper into the ear. A plug develops, which can lead to ear pain and ringing in the ears (tinnitus ). In the worst case, improper handling of a cotton swab can puncture the eardrum - creating a hole - which is very painful.

In principle, "aids" for cleaning such as hairpins, matches or paper clips do not belong in the ear! As part of personal hygiene, a washcloth, your own finger or rinsing your ears with lukewarm water in the shower is sufficient to clean the ear canal.

In some people, the mechanism for self-cleaning of the ear is impeded, for example, by a very firm consistency. And especially with age, earwax becomes firmer and difficult to remove by itself. Likewise, if the ear canals are particularly crooked, cleaning is difficult. If the earwax in the ear canal is unpleasant, if you have the feeling of water in the ear or if you suddenly hear worse, you should have a professional ear cleaning done by an ear, nose and throat specialist.

Last update on 21.08.2022 by Administrator User.

What do I do if I have hearing problems? What advice can I expect?

If the patient presents with hearing problems, the general ENT examination is followed by specific hearing tests carried out by an audiometrist or audiometrically trained practice staff. You discuss the results with the ENT specialist and he or she explains why you have poor hearing and what measures can be taken to improve your hearing performance. This also includes comprehensive advice regarding a hearing aid that will meet your medically proven needs, but also your aesthetic requirements.

Last update on 21.08.2022 by Administrator User.

Why can't I hear as well as I did when I was younger?

With increasing age, many people notice a reduction in their hearing ability. Age-related hearing loss occurs more frequently from the age of 50 to 60.
Other people also notice this change: the person affected does not respond or only after repeated questioning, it is difficult to follow a conversation with background noise (e.g. in a restaurant), the head is turned in the direction of the person speaking, the TV is turned up louder. You already hear and understand "something", but it is no longer as clear and distinct, muffled or "far away".

This is a completely natural process, because the auditory cells in the ear are also subject to a general decline in performance. Causes can also be long-term (e.g. also occupational) noise exposure, health problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus or circulatory disorders. But genetic predisposition, an unhealthy lifestyle or the side effects of medication can also affect hearing in the long term. The ENT specialist diagnoses the causes of the reduced hearing ability and, on this basis, discusses the various options available to improve hearing and thus "understanding".
This could be a hearing aid, for example. From powerful models worn behind the ear to invisible high-performance devices "hidden" in the ear - the choice here is wide and can be individually adapted to medical and aesthetic needs. Surgical solutions are also available. Together with a hearing aid acoustician, a solution will be found for you so that you can once again participate and enjoy conversations and acoustic events without any worries.

Last update on 21.08.2022 by Administrator User.

Why and when do I need a hearing test/ hearing aid?

Many people with impaired hearing do not want a hearing aid. They do without a hearing aid out of shame or with the argument: "I can still hear enough". But this is a mistake, because the brain quickly forgets how to hear, i.e. how to classify sounds. Therefore, even a slight hearing impairment should be clarified as early as possible by an ENT specialist.

The hearing status is determined by a hearing test. We offer this test in our practice. It takes about 30 minutes, depending on the subjective or medically indicated question. Afterwards, the doctor will discuss the results with you and advise you on how to proceed. In total, you should plan about 1 hour for the test and the doctor's consultation.

Hearing impaired people usually have to get used to a hearing aid because they suddenly perceive their environment more clearly (and louder) again. Therefore, it takes some time to get used to the new hearing experience (again). Modern hearing aids are extremely powerful and are now visually less conspicuous. They should not be taboo for people with hearing loss, because the gain in quality of life is often immense. There is an increasing need for hearing aids not only among older people, but also among the younger generation. For patients who wear hearing aids, a check-up with an ENT specialist is recommended at least every 3 years.

Last update on 21.08.2022 by Administrator User.

What does hearing diagnostics for children mean?

If you as a parent have the feeling that your child does not hear properly, speech development is delayed, acoustic stimuli are perceived late or not at all, your child withdraws, school performance is suddenly worse, then you should consult your family doctor, paediatrician or ENT specialist. Hearing disorders hinder the development of speech and thus the mental development. It is therefore very important that you enable your child to start therapy quickly after clarifying the causes.

How does the hearing diagnosis work with children? After a comprehensive anamnesis interview, the ENT specialist will painlessly examine the ears, the nose and the mouth and throat. This is followed, also painlessly, by various procedures for objective and subjective hearing testing.

Acoustic stimuli are applied to the ear via headphones, and the reactions are documented and displayed graphically. This image provides the ENT specialist with information about the degree of hearing impairment and the resulting therapy.

Last update on 21.08.2022 by Administrator User.

FAQ Hearing test for children

As part of the school medical examinations, the school health service in Obwalden carries out systematic hearing screening in kindergarten and in the 5th school year (since the 2017/2018 school year). This is intended to detect hearing problems or risks in affected children as early as possible. Good hearing has an important influence on the general development and learning ability of the child and is very important for safety in road traffic and also for integration into society.

FAQ Hearing test for children

What is the hearing screening process for a child?

First, the ENT doctor examines the child's ear. If it is possible to look inside without obstruction (there is no earwax or fluid in the ear), the hearing test can begin.

A small probe is used to measure the external auditory canal. The device emits soft "clicking" sounds. These sounds are directed to the inner ear. When the sounds reach their destination, the sensory cells "respond" with vibrations that are transmitted as sound waves from the inner ear back to the outer ear.

If a signal arrives there, a "pass" appears on the display of the device - everything is within the normal range. If the signal is absent or very weak, a "fail" appears. This can indicate a disturbed sound reception (e.g. also due to restlessness of the child or disturbing background noises) in the inner ear.

This measurement must then be carried out again after approx. 2-3 weeks. Only after about 2 inconclusive measurements should an exact clarification be made.

Last update on 21.08.2022 by Administrator User.

FAQ nose

Anatomically, the nose belongs to the external, upper respiratory tract. The visible parts are the root of the nose, the bridge of the nose, the tip of the nose, the lateral nostrils, the nostrils. Inside is the nasal cavity. This is divided into two separate compartments by the nasal septum. Behind the nasal cavity is the pharynx.

FAQ nose

What is a functional-aesthetic nose correction?

Our team of experts is committed to solving your nasal breathing problem through comprehensive consultation and case-relevant treatment, thus helping to optimise your quality of life.
Related terms: septorhinoplasty, rhinoplasty, functional-aesthetic nose correction, rhinoplasty, septoplasty, nasal hump correction, nasal tip correction
Improved nasal breathing and aesthetic nose correction in one step

The nose is located in the centre of our face and thus becomes the point of attention for the observer. Congenital, accident-related or even predisposed abnormalities of the nose can be disturbing or even psychologically stressful. Irregularities in the external appearance (nasal humps, crooked nose, too large or misshapen nostrils, misshapen nasal tip, split nasal tip, unsightly nose profile, "snub nose", "bulbous nose", too wide nose, too long nose, dent on the bridge of the nose or sunken bridge of the nose) can cause severe suffering.
The anatomical or accident-related disturbances and deviations in shape that occur inside the nose usually lead to restricted, poor nasal breathing and can greatly impair a person's quality of life.
In order to plan an aesthetic and functional correction responsibly and together with the patient, it is important that both surgeons - the ear, nose and throat specialist for the internal function - and the plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgeon for the external shape - have precise knowledge of the structure and function of the nose. The correction of restricted nasal breathing and the reshaping of the nose by our perfectly coordinated team with dual expertise increases safety for the patient and is also significantly more cost-effective.

Aim of the joint external and internal nose correction (septorhinoplasty)
Since an impairment of function often goes hand in hand with a change in aesthetics and vice versa, we plan this operation together and also perform it together. The aim of this aesthetic-functional combined operation is to achieve improved nasal breathing and at the same time an aesthetic correction of the shape. In this operation, on the one hand, the air circulation is optimised (internal correction), and on the other hand, during the aesthetic correction, the external shape of the nose is adjusted so that the nose is perfectly integrated into the face and fits the existing facial proportions.

Initial consultation and examination
A nose operation is still one of the most difficult procedures and therefore requires detailed, serious consultations with both specialists as well as a precise examination and documentation of the nose.
First of all, we have a detailed discussion with the patient about his or her complaints (e.g. difficult nasal breathing, snoring at night, frequent "stuffiness" of the nose) and what he or she would like to have done.
We maintain an honest and open discussion atmosphere with our patients.
A comprehensive medical history (previous illnesses, previous operations, injuries, accidents) is just as much a part of the conversation as the weighing of risks and complications or, if necessary, also advising against the operation, e.g. in the case of unrealistic ideas and expectations.

The examination of the inside of the nose by means of mirroring and photography provides information about the course and condition of the nasal septum, the size of the turbinates and the function of the inner and outer nasal valves. In each case, the air permeability (rhinomanometry) is tested to document the functional disorder and pathological impairment.
During the examination of the external nose, facial proportions, various angles, anatomical landmarks and distances to other parts of the face are assessed and the skin condition is determined. Here, too, a comprehensive preoperative photo documentation is made. In order to be able to imagine the approximate optical change before the operation, the after result is simulated with computer software. This visualisation is a valuable orientation.
Based on the joint findings of both specialists, a surgical concept is created to achieve an optimal aesthetic and functional result.

How does the operation proceed?
Since this is a combined operation of functional and aesthetic correction, the following partial steps are carried out over the duration of the operation of approximately one to three hours:

  • Anaesthesia (general anaesthesia)
  • Open access through an incision at the nasal bridge
  • Correction of the nasal concha
  • Straightening of the nasal septum (septum correction)
  • Hump removal, correction of the bridge of the nose, correction of the nasal pyramid
  • Modulation of the tip of the nose
  • Refinements (final fine adjustments and correction of irregularities)
  • Application of the dressing (plaster tape and nose plaster)

Do I have severe pain after a nose correction?
As a rule, patients have only minor pain. If necessary, we can give you pain-relieving medication.

How long is the hospital stay for a nose correction?
The inpatient stay is 1-2 days, depending on the procedure. Rarely, the operation is performed on an outpatient basis.

What is the aftercare for a nose correction?
The nose operated on the bone is immobilised in a plaster cast for 10-14 days. The septum inside the nose is supported with silicone splints for 1 week. The inside of the nose is kept open by instructed nasal rinses. Tamponades are not used. One week after the procedure, the stitches on the nasal bridge and the inserted support splints are removed painlessly. If the nasal plaster has loosened, it is changed. After definitive removal of the plaster, the nose is kept in shape for a few days with a plaster bandage.

What are the complications and risks of a functional-aesthetic nose correction?
Anyone who decides to have a nose operation must be aware that it is an irreversible change. As with any operation, complications such as swelling, secondary bleeding, infections in the wound area, wound healing disorders, hypersensitivity of the tip of the nose, temporary numbness or painful teeth fall within the realm of possibilities. Despite the greatest caution during the operation, irregularities in the bridge of the nose or at the tip of the nose can reappear during the healing process.
In general, complications after a nose operation are extremely rare, especially if the operation is carried out by a qualified, experienced team of specialists. As a rule, a permanently satisfactory result can be assumed. What are the costs of a functional-aesthetic nose operation? Depending on the functional, pathological impairment of the nose, the health insurance company will cover part or all of the costs of the functional operation upon approval of the costs. The amount for the aesthetic correction must be paid by the patient.

How long is the inability to work during a nose correction?
As a rule, the inability to work lasts a minimum of 2-3 weeks, depending on the healing process.

How long am I not allowed to do any sports after a nose correction?
The patient should refrain from sporting activities for 6-8 weeks. Cycling, walking and light physical activities are possible again after three weeks.

Can I wear glasses after a nose correction?
In order not to endanger the optimal result of a nose correction, wearing glasses should be avoided for about 6 weeks.

Can I wear make-up after a nose correction?
You may apply make-up to the areas around the nose after the operation, but not to the nose itself, as it is covered by the plaster. The lower eyelids, which are often discoloured blue after the nose correction, may of course be covered with make-up or a concealer. You may also apply make-up to your eyes without any problems.

When can I shower and wash my hair again?
As soon as you feel well, you may shower and wash your hair again. Please wash your hair at the hairdresser's or to the back, so that the cast will certainly stay dry.

How do you minimise swelling after a nose correction?
To reduce swelling, avoid physical exertion for the first month after surgery. Cooling reduces swelling in the operated area and we also recommend decongestant nasal rinses, which you will be shown exactly how to perform.

How long will the nose be swollen after the operation?
The swelling is short-lived due to a new, extremely gentle technique using ultrasound.

Can I go out in the sun after the procedure?
You can go out in the sun again after three weeks. It is important that you do not expose your nose to direct sunlight. We generally advise against visits to the solarium.

Can a nose correction that went wrong be corrected again?
In principle, noses that have already been corrected can be corrected again, although the initial situation is of course considerably more difficult. A complex initial situation (noses that have already been operated on before with a poor result) require a lot of consultation and planning. The time interval between two nose corrections should be at least one year.

Can hyaluronic acid fillers be used to correct the external appearance of the nose instead of a surgical nose correction?
Hyaluronic acid fillers are only rarely used - e.g. for a slight dent in the bridge of the nose. However, a filler treatment with hyaluronic acid in no way replaces a surgical intervention in the case of a severe external change in the shape of the nose, which is often anatomically determined and therefore requires a functional-aesthetic combination operation.

Last update on 21.08.2022 by Administrator User.

Why can't I breathe properly through my nose anymore and don't get enough air?

Do you have problems breathing through your nose? You only get insufficient air through your nose? Do you snore at night? These inconveniences can be alleviated or even eliminated after the causes have been clarified. For example, by correcting the nasal septum and/or reducing the size of the turbinates.

In addition, you can watch a lecture on nasal obstruction on our video portal:


Last update on 21.08.2022 by Administrator User.

What is a deviated septum?

Normally, the nasal septum runs centrally and straight and separates the nasal cavity into two halves. Very often, however, there is a congenital curvature or it is caused by force (blow, fall). As long as this phenomenon does not hinder breathing or cause aesthetic conspicuousness, the deviation can remain. If nasal breathing is impeded ("blocked nose") because the air breathed cannot flow straight through the nose, or if inflammatory phenomena accumulate which can lead to infections and chronic complaints (sinusitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis and snoring), the ENT specialist should be consulted.

During the examination, after a local anaesthetic, the doctor inserts a specific instrument with a tiny camera (nasal endoscope) into the nose so that he or she can get a precise overview of the degree of deviation, the associated constrictions and the general condition of the inside of the nose. Furthermore, it is possible to carry out an objective measurement of nasal breathing (nasal function test) without pain.

Depending on the diagnosis, there are various therapies and also surgical options (e.g. straightening or also removing the smallest parts from the nasal septum).

Last update on 21.08.2022 by Administrator User.

How is the operation performed for a deviated septum?

The operation is performed directly through the nostril under general anaesthesia. Finally, special silicone splints are inserted for a few days so that breathing through the nose is possible immediately after the operation due to the air tubes inside. The in-patient stay usually lasts 3 days, an AUF is given for about 7 to 10 days.

The aim is always to improve nasal breathing and thus to ensure the function of the nose (smell perception, regulation of the respiratory flow, coarse cleaning, warming and moistening of the breathing air).

Last update on 21.08.2022 by Administrator User.

FAQ mouth and throat

The mouth is used for food intake, breathing and voice production. It forms the uppermost part of the digestive tract. The pharynx is an extension lined with mucous membrane that connects to the oral and nasal cavities and designates the upper respiratory tract.

FAQ mouth and throat

Is snoring a health hazard? Why do I snore? Is treatment possible?

If sleep does not bring rest over a longer period of time or if the person in bed complains, even notices breathing stops, those affected should act quickly.

Snoring is caused by vibrations of the mucous membrane of the throat, especially when the walls of the inside of the throat come close to each other during sleep. If the walls touch each other, closing off the airway during sleep, this is called sleep apnoea (see sleep apnoea). The transition between annoying snoring to mild to severe sleep apnoea can be fluid and usually increases with weight gain.

Treatment options are:
Apparatus aids, depending on the individual situation, age and dental status:
Sleep backpack, soft palate braces, braces to advance the receding lower jaw, CPAP therapy (CPAP- Continuous Positive Airway Pressure). The aim is to keep the airway open during the night.

We carry out sleep diagnostic clarifications and consultations in this regard as part of our snoring consultation.

Last update on 21.08.2022 by Administrator User.

What is sleep apnoea (cessation of breathing during sleep)?

The typical snoring sound occurs when the mucous membrane in the throat vibrates. But a slackened soft palate and uvula can also be the cause of snoring. When the walls inside the throat touch each other closely, they can close the airways. During this time, the body is no longer supplied with oxygen and the oxygen concentration in the blood drops. As a result of the lack of oxygen, there is a waking reaction of the brain, the sleeper usually does not notice this.

Occasionally, patients wake up from sleep with feelings of suffocation. The breathing pauses can last from a few seconds to over a minute. Usually their partner also notices this during the night. Patients often feel unrested in the morning and are also tired during the day.

The general weight gain is accompanied by an increase in the circumference of the abdomen and neck. Fat reserves are also built up in the neck and between the muscles, which further constrict the available space in the neck. At the same time, the lungs and stomach are pushed upwards. The lungs can no longer expand optimally when breathing.

Last update on 21.08.2022 by Administrator User.

FAQ Neck

The head and torso are connected by the neck. It is bounded at the back by the spine and, in addition to multi-layered tissue structures, also houses muscles, tendons, cartilage, glands, trachea and oesophagus, larynx, vocal cords, the aorta and thyroid gland.

FAQ Neck

What is an ENT palpation?

The ENT doctor checks for possible changes in the head and neck area by palpating the front of the neck. This includes pain sensitivity, consistency and mobility of the larynx when swallowing, as well as the position of the thyroid gland in relation to the laryngeal framework. A precise palpation of the lymph nodes to detect any lumps and swellings is also part of the palpation examination.

Last update on 21.08.2022 by Administrator User.

FAQ Operations

An operation is a surgical intervention. It is performed, generally under anaesthesia, on or in the human body for the purpose of diagnosis and/or therapy. An operation is divided into three phases: Access, operation in the narrower sense, closure of access.

FAQ Operations

How does an inpatient operation usually proceed?

Important criteria for deciding whether to have an outpatient operation (without an overnight stay) or an inpatient operation (admission to the hospital for a certain period of time) are the type of operation and the patient's state of health. Inpatient operations allow the patient to be cared for around the clock, so that immediate intervention is possible even in an emergency.
When is an inpatient operation necessary?
Complicated or extensive operations and surgical interventions under general anaesthesia are always performed as inpatient procedures.

What do I need to know before an inpatient operation?
The instructions given by the anaesthetists regarding fasting and taking medication in the consultation before the operation must be followed without fail. If necessary, medications that impair blood clotting, e.g. aspirin or Marcumar, must be discontinued. However, this is always done in consultation with the doctor. Furthermore, the patient should bring available documents (e.g. results of previous examinations, a list of medications taken permanently) with him/her to the inpatient admission.

What is the procedure for an inpatient operation?
The patient is usually admitted to hospital on the day of the operation. A few days before the operation, certain preliminary examinations and the discussion with the doctor as well as the explanation about the operation take place. The patient must be informed about the risks and possible complications of the operation and about the anaesthesia. On the day of the operation, or the day before, the patient is given the necessary medication. The patient is accompanied to the operating theatre in good time for the date of the operation. After the operation, the patient is taken to the recovery room if necessary and then to the ward. Further necessary care (medication, dressing changes and follow-up examinations) is then provided on the ward. If the patient's health has improved, he or she can be discharged after a few days.

What should patients do after discharge?
Depending on the operation and the wound, dressing changes and follow-up examinations will continue after discharge, but usually with a general practitioner. Medication should continue to be taken according to the doctor's instructions. If any abnormalities or complications occur, a doctor should be informed immediately. Depending on the operation, further measures such as rehabilitation may be necessary.

Advantages of inpatient surgery:
A major advantage of inpatient surgery over outpatient surgery is the assured monitored care of the patient; this means that after a surgical procedure, continuous monitoring of the patient is ensured. In the event of any complications, specialist staff are immediately on hand. Overall, greater safety is provided for the patient. On the other hand, outpatient surgery also has certain advantages over inpatient surgery. For example, it enables recovery in familiar surroundings at home and, last but not least, it is also a cost saving.

Last update on 21.08.2022 by Administrator User.

How does an outpatient procedure usually proceed?

Today, many surgical procedures can be performed on an outpatient basis due to first-class medical-technical equipment.
Before the operation, the patients are carefully examined, informed and prepared by the doctor in the surgical field and the anaesthetist.
The preliminary examination and information by the anaesthetist and the final consent to the planned anaesthesia take place either a few days before the procedure or on the day of the procedure, depending on the structure and organisation of the facility.

The usual daily routine for outpatient procedures:
Beforehand, the patient must remember that he or she is not allowed to drive a vehicle for 24 hours after the operation, as the ability to perceive and react is severely limited after anaesthesia.
On the day of the operation, the patient arrives fasting at the day ward or department of the corresponding clinic. Once in the day ward or department, administrative matters are clarified. The patient is asked to put on a hospital gown and take a seat on a couch. After a short waiting time, he is then taken to the operating wing. There the agreed operation is performed under the anaesthetic technique discussed in advance.
Postoperatively, depending on the anaesthetic technique, the patient is taken to the recovery room or directly to the day ward or department.

Essentially, the anaesthetic technique does not change for an outpatient procedure compared to an inpatient procedure. To ensure that the patient gets home safely, shorter-acting drugs tend to be used. After the operation, the doctor in charge decides together with the surgical colleague when it is possible to discharge the patient from the clinic. However, he reserves the right to order an inpatient admission, e.g. in case of prolonged problems after the procedure (severe vomiting, pain that is difficult to stop, postoperative bleeding, etc.).
After the procedure, patients should only leave the clinic in the presence of an accompanying person. The procedure and the after-effects of medicines and anaesthetics can severely reduce the ability to react.
The following rules of conduct for 24 hours after an operation are for safety and are usually formulated as follows:

Do not participate in road traffic without a companion. Do not drive a vehicle in road traffic under any circumstances (bicycle, moped, car, etc.).
Do not work with/on dangerous machines.
Take only the prescribed painkillers, sleeping pills and sedatives. Do not drink alcohol in the first 24 hours after anaesthesia, as alcohol increases the residual effect of anaesthetic drugs and painkillers.
Do not exercise and avoid physical and mental stress.
Do not make any important decisions during this time (e.g. conclude contracts).
Care at home must be ensured for the first 24 hours by an adult person, and a telephone must also be available.
Before discharge, patients are informed about the procedure performed and the possible complications and are given a telephone number in case a doctor needs to be contacted in an emergency. If insatiable vomiting, fever, severe pain, bleeding, etc. occur after leaving the hospital, the general practitioner or a doctor in charge of the institution where the operation was performed must be contacted immediately.

Patients who have undergone outpatient surgery can subsequently book a supervised stay at the "Kurhaus am Sarner See". www.kurhaus.info

Last update on 21.08.2022 by Administrator User.


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